Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch this week and picked out our pumpkins! Well, mom did and the girls just ran around looking at all the HUGE pumpkins! We could barely get them to sit still long enough for a picture. Then, Liam kept making a weird face every time the camera would click. Oh well, they may not be the best pictures, but they work!

His First Notre Dame hat!

ok, perhaps a little too big, but still, cute!

Outside Adventures!

It is finally nice enough to play outside again and that is what we have been doing quite a bit. The girls love playing on their playground and sandbox. Liam loves doing, well, what Liam does. Crawl around in the grass! BOYS!

We found him standing up....

This happened a little while back, but obviously it opened a whole new world for "The Boy". The girls went him to greet him in the morning as usual and Berlynn yelled, "Mama come quick! He is standing up!!

The Girls Painting and Liam being a boy!

The girls love painting and the looked so cute I had to post a picture of it! Then of course the is Liam who looks so cute in his cowboy hat, which of course is too small. That seems to be how most of he clothes are though.


Here is what Liam looks like at a typical meal. I think here he is eating sweet potatoes, which he LOVES!!

Lego Land

We had quite the Lego village going on this day. We even made our own Wall-E!